Common Issues

You find yourself saying these things:

  • “We can’t find people to work”
  • “We can’t hire people who stay”
  • “We want to bid on more work, but we don’t have a hiring system… and we don’t know where to start”

What your hiring process might look like:

  • Posting a long, boring, demanding, legal job description on your website and/or Indeed
  • Collecting applications via email, phone, or paper
  • Maybe using an ATS, but not really understanding all of the features or how to leverage them
  • Interviewing for skills and vibes, or maybe just someone with a pulse who can pass a drug test

Reasons why it doesn't work:

  • You have inadequate applicant flow - not enough people are seeing your jobs, and your job postings are not compelling
  • You are unknowingly weeding out or turning away good people
  • You’re making the wrong hires
  • You're not tracking people and information for future benefit
  • Your process is cumbersome, both for candidates and for yourself

The consequences:

  • You’re missing out on additional projects & revenue
  • You’re stuck in reactive mode trying to meet current (or yesterday’s) needs
  • You have more employee turnover than you think you should
  • You have additional recruiting, onboarding & training costs to replace turnover
  • You’re paying more overtime
  • Your team is being overworked because you’re understaffed
  • Your team is misaligned because you haven’t made the right hires
  • Your productivity and quality are compromised
  • You’re dealing with more rework, repairs, and accidents

Your obstacles to implementing a great hiring system:

  • You’re a busy Owner, CEO, or President with a packed schedule
  • You’re wearing many hats, some of them outside your area of expertise, and you’re having trouble prioritizing hiring
  • You’re being pulled in many directions by a variety of stakeholders, vendors, and team members
  • You know you need to hire, but you’re overwhelmed by what you don’t know, and you don’t know where to start
  • You’re busy prioritizing immediate project needs and stuck in reactive hiring mode
  • You know you need help, but you just don’t have the time to figure it out


A Hiring System Can Help